Saturday 20 April 2019

What Are Wireless Routers & How They Benefits In Usage?

While most people are probably unsure as to what a router does, it cannot be denied that a majority of homes around the world has one installed. 

The router is hardware that allows several devices such as your desktop computer and your smartphone to connect to the internet
It does so wirelessly via Wi-Fi. Speaking of Wi-Fi, did you know that this term is just the trademarked name for IEEE 802.11x, and does not mean Wireless Fidelity? Interesting, right?

Now, let us further discuss the specifics elements of a router and learn its difference with other network devices as well as the advantages of using it as your primary method of connecting to the internet.

Router Functionality and Features

Back to the topic at hand, routers can offer a wealth of capabilities compared to other network devices. Other network devices such as a hub can only accomplish essential functions such as transferring data between different devices.

On the other hand, a router can do that and analyze the data being passed around.

 By doing so, it allows customization on how the information is sent through various networks. This capability is why it is most commonly used with home networks as it can allow several devices to connect to the Internet simultaneously.

Another function of the router is security.

Think of it as a shield to protect your network from unwanted intrusions.

This is where the customization comes in to play as you can adjust the level of security in your router.

It is highly recommended that you always opt for the highest level of protection when setting up your router at home. This significantly reduces any risk of attack from an unknown network trying to data mine yours.

To provide such level of security, the router will have a pre-installed software called the firmware.

This software acts as the backbone of your router's security network and should always be updated to the most recent version by the manufacturer.

Routers can also be quite flexible when it comes to how they to connect devices.

Some routers require network cables but will not need "drivers" to run, and some routers connect through USB but usually requires driver installation first.

Routers are also responsible for providing unique IP addresses as this device also acts as the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

How Routers Operate

Most routers in the market come with several ports that allow multiple devices to connect to the internet at the same time.

 Its primary responsibility is to connect the DSL modem, cable, or fiber to several devices at home.

Wireless routers are also designed to provide several ports which further increases the number of ways and devices one can connect to the internet at once.

Checkout Wireless Routers here:

Traditionally, the router operates by connecting to the modem via a cable. The modem then connects the router to the internet which transfers data to the router and allowing several devices access to the internet as well.

Wireless routers are pretty much the same but skip the use of network cables when allowing another device access to the internet.
 This is quite a convenient feature which is why this has become the most common type of router you will see.

What are the Advantages of Using a Router?

Routers also offer a variety of benefits and advantages that are absent from other network device hardware.

Below are the main benefits of using a router:

Acts as Your First Line of Defense Against Intrusions

One of the most important advantages that router can offer is with its improved security. If you connect your computer directly to a modem, it can be quickly bombarded with dozens of security issues.

These security issues can range from slow down problems to full-on PC crashes in the worst-case scenario.

By placing a router in between your device and the modem you gain access to a security wall that blocks unwanted intrusions from unknown networks.

Think of the router as the moderator between the overwhelming data provided by the internet and your home network.

 By scanning and filtering data, routers can detect and block most malware and viruses from entering your system.

However, keep in mind that the router will not be able to stop every malware and virus from breaking into your network. You still need to implement a firewall and install dedicated anti-virus programs to secure your system from attacks completely.

It Makes Sharing Internet Access Between Several Devices Easy

The router's primary function is to assist in connecting several devices to the internet at the same time without the need to jump through various hoops.

 Routers are designed to deliver Internets access to several users at the same time.

This process can be quite complicated for those without routers as ISPs will only designate one permanent IP address to a customer.

Requesting for a publicly routable IP address might come with extra fees. By using a router, you can circumvent this issue and go straight to the nitty-gritty.

This is possible thanks to one of the router's most common features; the network address translation (NAT). By using NAT, the router can take the permanent IP address and put it through several UDP ports to share a connection to more than one device.

NAT is the crucial feature of the router. Without this feature, connecting several devices to the internet using one modem is impossible.

This shared connectivity also offers another advantage to users as they can pair several devices with each other. A good example here is with a Wi-Fi printer. You can easily transfer and print files from your smartphone to your printer as long as they are connected to the same router.

Final Thoughts

Routers are an essential facet when it comes to modern internet accessibility. It has opened up a lot of benefits and has made connecting to the internet as convenient and as easy as it can be.

Hopefully, you now have a good grasp of what a router is and what it does. Understanding such devices is essential now that we are living in an interconnected society thanks to the Internet.

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